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Avril Showers
Laurie Aron

Inspired by a painting of French can-can dancer Jane Avril by Toulouse Lautrec

Jane Avril in October showers,
Draggled peau de soie and tulle,
Black on mustard, red and green,
Scaly boa twines swivelly hips.
A trunkful of can-can pleats and crinolines,
Icons of molded breasts, wooden monkeys,
A slinky toy that walked down stairs
One elephant foot at a time.

© by Laurie Joan Aron.
Used with the author's permission.

Laurie Aron is a writer who lives in New York.


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I love ekphrastic poetry. Good one!
Posted 10/15/2014 09:06 AM
a friend of mine -called Avril - was thrilled with the poem. It has quite made her day - even considering the (ahem) elephant feet!
Posted 10/15/2014 04:55 AM
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