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Saturday Nights at the Crystal Ball: a Memoir in Poetry by Sharon Auberle
Saturday Nights at the Crystal Ball: a Memoir in Poetry by Sharon Auberle

This book is a collection of poems, old photos, and "doodlings" from the author's journal, kept during the two weeks of her mother's dying. A unique and moving memoir. $12

"In Saturday Nights, poet Sharon Auberle, on the surface, tells the story of her mother's last days on this earth; that of a woman who danced her way through an uneasy life. Anyone who's ever lost a parent, or ever will, can benefit from the reading." --Ralph Murre, Editor/Publisher, Little Eagle Press

"Sharon Auberle doesn't have all the answers in Saturday Nights, but she asks many of the right questions and leaves the reader with plenty of insights to carry around for a long time." --Norbert Blei, Editor/Publisher, CrossRoads Press

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