Before television
and air-conditioning
moved life indoors,
we sat on the porch,
watched lightning bugs
sparkle the night,
dry lightning
punctuate the air
and sang hymns
to our creator.
If the old rugged cross
was so special,
why would we trade
for a crown? I asked.
The answer did not satisfy.
Memory holds only
the question
and the warmth
of an Iowa evening
with the family
on the porch
singing prayer,
watching sky.
© by Wilda Morris.
Used with the author's permission.

Wilda Morris is president of Poets & Patrons of Chicago and past president of the Illinois State Poetry Society. Her first book of poetry, Szechwan Shrimp and Fortune Cookies: Poems from a Chinese Restaurant, was published by RWG Press. Wilda Morris's Poetry Challenge, at wildamorris.blogspot.com, provides a monthly contest for other poets.
Oh my goodness. I understand every phrase, verse, stanza but I was born in the Bronx, NY. We did all of those things and my grandmother taught me "The Old Rugged Cross." Thank you for bringing it all back to me.
Posted 06/25/2012 05:22 PM
Gail Goepfert:
I, too, savor hot summer nights watching, chasing, catching lightning bugs. Thanks for the memory.
Posted 06/24/2012 08:40 PM
Yes, I, too, miss those summer nights outside, together. Thanks, Wilda. Phyllis
Posted 06/24/2012 03:15 PM
So many images, Wilda evoking that particular time.
Makes me remember our own front porch, "singing prayer," watching "dry lightning punctuate the air"
Lovely poem.
Posted 06/24/2012 10:53 AM
Ah Wilda - great moments to cherish and you did it so well. Helen Padway
Posted 06/24/2012 10:52 AM
Marilyn L Taylor:
You evoke a time and a place very effectively. Nicely done, Wilda.
Posted 06/24/2012 09:00 AM
i love "singing prayer/ watching sky" lovely poem, wilda!
Posted 06/24/2012 07:25 AM
Lovely poem, Wendy! I remember such nights!
Posted 06/24/2012 07:22 AM
Wilda, I like "dry lightning as punctuating the air", but I especially like the honesty of the poem. It leaves me with the reminder that life is so often about the questions. Cami
Posted 06/24/2012 06:30 AM
This is beautiful, Wilda
Posted 06/24/2012 06:25 AM
Kay Sanders:
Love this poem, Wilda--especially "dry lightning punctuate the air." It reminds me of my own growing-up years.
Posted 06/24/2012 06:15 AM