Thread legs work
like a nimble weaver
interlacing yarn
a lattice of death, food
for the coming days.
The desk lamp casts
a sliver of light
through the window
onto the spider
glistening in the night.
The ray captures
the worker
but not his work;
creates an image
of dancing gravity-free
into the dark between
the bougainvilleas.
© by Erle Kelly.
Used with the author's permission.
Erle Kelly lives in Long Beach, California. A graduate of the state university there, he entered the Navy Air Force after college and became a navigator. After his years in naval service, Erle enjoyed a career in sales and marketing management. After retiring, he tutored at a local elementary school for many years. Today, Erle is active in a poetry writing class and his work has appeared in various online publications. He greatly enjoys his community vegetable garden and cycling, but his greatest joy is when he and his wife spend time with their friends, their four grandchildren, and their three great-grandchildren.
barbara eknoian:
Erle, you have an observant eye for nature. Nice poem.
Posted 03/07/2013 02:08 PM
I love spiders and their art--now if they were just better housekeepers! nice poem, thanks...
Posted 03/07/2013 08:29 AM