My bad hearing
Does not trouble me here.
In the country
Every tree
Seems to talk to me, saying, "Holy! Holy!"
Inside the forest is enchantment
Which expresses all things ?
Sweet peace of the forest!
Almighty, I am happy
In the woods,
In the woods,
Every tree has a voice
Through thee.
O God, what glory
In such a woodland place!
On the heights is peace ?
Peace to serve thee ?
How glad am I
Once again
To be able to wander
In forest and thicket
Among the trees,
The green things and the rocks.
No mortal can love
The country as I do;
For woods and trees and rocks
Return the echo
A man desires.
This poem is in the public domain.

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 - 1827) came from a musical family and showed prowess as a performer and composer from his earliest days. At the age of 18, his mother's death and his father's alcoholism left Ludwig responsible for raising his younger brothers. He earned money by teaching music to children and, in what little spare time he had, wrote and performed his compositions. His work caught the attention of Joseph Haydn and Ludwig ultimately moved to Austria to study with the elder composer. By his mid-twenties, Ludwig's hearing began to fail; by his mid-forties, he was completely deaf. Despite that and a host of other illnesses, he continued to write astonishing orchestral music that permanently impacted the world.
Thank you so much for these lovely thoughts from such a wonderful man
Posted 12/17/2015 12:45 AM
Who knew Beethoven wrote poetry too! Lovely sentiment and well-crafted. Thanks.
Posted 12/16/2015 02:56 PM
Beautiful choice!
Janice Canerdy
Posted 12/16/2015 12:56 PM
Jayne, you really know how to find these gems.
Posted 12/16/2015 11:22 AM
Ginny C.:
Thanks for this one!
Posted 12/16/2015 10:48 AM
Fine poem for the ages!!!
Posted 12/16/2015 07:42 AM
May he now be enjoying John Donne's description of heaven, where there is '...no noise nor silence, but one equal music...'
Wonderful Beethoven.
Posted 12/16/2015 03:26 AM