If, my father muttered,
I am still among the living
Come Spring,
We'll plow the far corner,
Where the power lines run,
And plant barley.
I nodded,
Knowing the job would be mine,
A bit reluctantly,
Because robins fed there
And nested nearby.
© by Edward Hujsak.
Used with the author's permission.
Edward Hujsak (1925 - 2018) was born in New Hampshire to a Polish farming family. A chemical engineering graduate of the University of New Hampshire, Ed worked on propulsion systems at General Dynamics during development of the Atlas and Centaur rockets. He was propulsion engineer on John Glenn's famous orbital flight and served as chief of preliminary design at General Dynamics Astronautics Division for ten years, accumulating more than a dozen patents in the aerospace field. In addition to his numerous engineering achievements, Ed was a writer, artist, sculptor, and builder of furniture and musical instruments. In his spare time, Ed made more than 2000 wooden birds, dogs, and race cars for the San Diego Fine Woodworkers Association, which distributes them to sick and needy children.
Lori Levy:
Has a Robert Frost tone to it. I like it!
Posted 02/20/2016 06:27 PM
Happy Birthday Ed!
I'm with mjs.ontheroad--Thank you saying everything I was thinking.
Posted 02/20/2016 05:56 PM
Happy birthday Ed! Fine and touching poem. Having been a farm girl (long ago) I know the feeling.
Posted 02/20/2016 02:33 PM
A happy birthday indeed. Than you for the kind comments, good friends all.
Posted 02/20/2016 12:27 PM
Fine poem; thanks.
Posted 02/20/2016 11:19 AM
So lovely. Happy Birthday, Edward! And Jayne, thank you for Your Daily Poem. I look for it in my email every morning.
Posted 02/20/2016 10:16 AM
Oh Jayne, what a great start to the day! Thanks for your notes on Google ads--complemented by an ad today for something I looked up a couple of days ago :-} --And this sweet poem by an aerospace engineer who's also a Renaissance man, on his very birthday!
Posted 02/20/2016 10:03 AM
Posted 02/20/2016 10:01 AM
Robert Frost would love this one! So well-crafted, Ed, and happy birthday.
Posted 02/20/2016 10:00 AM
How considerate and courteous. God will provide the nesting.
Posted 02/20/2016 08:33 AM
This one's so close to perfection it's hard to say anything but "Bravo!"
---so, Bravo!!!
Posted 02/20/2016 06:59 AM
nice poem Ed and Happy B-day!
Posted 02/20/2016 04:14 AM
I love the way barley has ears, uncomplicated by electronics. Power to the robins!
Posted 02/20/2016 03:47 AM
Ross Kightly:
I once read that if robins were the same size as us they would be ruling the world! But then, as this beautifully economical, but booster-powered poem emphasises, they aren't and they don't. Not yet.
Posted 02/20/2016 02:35 AM