Yard soil sits in a wheelbarrow.
She takes it to her gardening shed,
prepares it with nitrogen, compost,
feels the texture, examines the mix,
breaks up the unusable chunks of hard dirt.
On her worktable are tender young plants
ready for their new home.
Her care for them is finer
than the tousled hair she pinned up quickly
or the kids, readied for school
with a bowl of cereal and quick kiss.
She gives her plants all the elements
that will later produce smiles from the neighbors,
curb appeal for her home,
a pleasant site to savor every morning
over breakfast and coffee.
© by Bradley Thomas.
Used here with the author’s permission.

Bradley Thomas was born and raised in Chicago and grew up in New Orleans. He worked for the government of Fulton County, Georgia as a building inspection manager for 24 years. On the weekends, Bradley plays electric bass for church services. His poems have appeared in the anthology, Whispers of Inspiration, and on several online e-zines.
As a fellow poet and gardener, I most especially love this one. Thanks for sharing!
Posted 05/18/2016 01:43 PM
Lori Levy:
I'm struck by the contrast between her care for her plants and the way she sends her kids off to school "with a bowl of cereal and a quick kiss."
Posted 05/18/2016 12:56 PM
Bradley, thanks for painting this lovely picture for your fellow poets! Janice
Posted 05/18/2016 10:00 AM
Nicely done, Brad! The words really allow you to get a clear, vivid picture in your mind of the scene...I can almost smell the potting soil! :-) Karen
Posted 05/18/2016 09:14 AM
Such a homey feel. With all the necessities attended to anticipating sitting back and relaxing after all the labor time spent.
Posted 05/18/2016 09:05 AM
Janet Leahy:
So nice to see an individual doing this rather than a landscape crew. Great "curb appeal" for those of us who walk by. Thanks Bradley.
Posted 05/18/2016 08:15 AM
Larry Schug:
Nice poem! I didn't know you knew my wife.
Posted 05/18/2016 07:39 AM