Pilled and sagging, a hole
in the yarn of the baggy beige
sleeve once snagged
by a stubborn stem then
repaired with a knot
of convenience,
it refuses to give up
its usefulness, the worn
warmth of its long years
of autumns, early springs
and late summer's chilly evenings.
Which is why year round it hangs
on the thick wooden peg
by the back door, waiting
like an old dog on the mat,
for the invitation to come along
on some chore or a walk down
the way a piece in the slanted
light of the sinking day.
© by Beverly Finney.
Used with the author’s permission.

Beverly Finney says a chance meeting set her on a writer’s path, and a chance reading turned her to poetry. Her love of words, though, has been there from the beginning—fed by family gatherings, the “Sparky” children’s radio program, teachers, and school libraries. Beverly’s family didn’t own a television until she was in high school, leaving much of her youth open to imagination, roaming her grandparents’ farms, and reading. Now retired, she once again has time to enjoy those same things (except roaming the farms, which were broken up and sold off over the years). Instead, these days, Beverly roams everyday places in her hometown of Hickory, North Carolina, listening for stories and “bearing witness”, she says, to the human experience at the heart of her writing.
Wilda Morris:
Oh, yes. You got this right!
Posted 03/23/2020 11:08 PM
waiting/like an old dog on the mat - great image!
Posted 03/23/2020 01:40 AM
Lori Levy:
I can feel the comfort when I read this poem
Posted 03/23/2020 12:34 AM
Beige. Mine too.
Posted 03/22/2020 02:17 PM
Janet Leahy:
I have been wearing an "old comfort" day after day through this uncertainty. I feel the "worn warmth"
the poem speaks of, a wonderful poem. Thank you
Posted 03/22/2020 12:26 PM
Beautiful, Beverly!!!
Posted 03/22/2020 12:10 PM
michael escoubas:
"Old Comforts" is certainly faithful to your credo "bearing witness to the human experience." Thank you Beverley.
Posted 03/22/2020 09:55 AM
The sweater I am wearing is speaking to me now.
Posted 03/22/2020 09:26 AM
Sarah Russell:
what a lovely tribute to an old friend. (And I loved Big John and Sparky too!)
Posted 03/22/2020 08:53 AM
Gilbert Allen:
Comfy in the bathrobe my wife gave me quite a few years ago, I enjoyed reading this poem.
Posted 03/22/2020 08:25 AM
Very nice. Randy
Posted 03/22/2020 08:12 AM
Janet F.:
I love this poem. Old comforts (and "Old Comforts") offer memory and history. New "gifts" or buys in our materialistic world often are soon tossed off and forgotten. I used to have my grandma's apron. Maybe it's still here. I don't remember. What I would give to hold it close today.
Posted 03/22/2020 07:53 AM
More than ever now, we need our tried and true companions to reassure us that everything is going to be okay.
Posted 03/22/2020 07:09 AM
Larry Schug:
There is comfort in these words as well. I love the comparison to an old dog.
Posted 03/22/2020 06:48 AM