A crop of cauliflower and carrots,
a dream of an unshaken patch of land,
far from the city,
bad weather and good,
brewing up liquor in the shed,
ploughing the soil easy as combing hair,
crystal on the dresser table,
deer on the forest's edge,
know everybody in town
but can drive for miles
without seeing the one of them,
pine trees and elms,
water from a well or the river,
giving up convenience
for just about everything else,
homemade shed,
mountains in the background,
jams on a shelf,
painting my own timbers,
chickens and pigs,
potatoes, rabbits, dirt roads,
pies made from scratch,
snow globe family heirloom,
always something unusual happening,
where seeing is only half there is
to believing,
dining out on the air
that's available at every window.
© by John Grey.
Used with the author's permission.
John Grey is an Australian poet who now lives in Rhode Island. He collects foreign films on DVD, early editions of MAD magazine, and loves travel and The New York Times crossword puzzle. John has recently had work published in Qwerty, Dalhousie Review and Soundings East.
Sounds good to me! I will be there in an hour. Do you cook? Your poem moves from one scene to another so smoothly. Great line breaks>
Posted 07/26/2020 07:45 PM
Sounds like a wonderful place�we all need this kind of dream!
Posted 07/26/2020 05:58 PM
Lori Levy:
The first line pulls me in to this very appealing life style.
Posted 07/26/2020 04:05 PM
Great descriptions, and many good lines, especially "giving up convenience for just about everything else," "where seeing is only half there is to believing," and "dining out on the air that�s available at every window." I'm a city boy, but your descriptions touch my heart, too. And structurally I particularly appreciate the line breaks.
Posted 07/26/2020 11:51 AM
Sharon Waller Knutson:
Good description. You captured rural life well. I am living my dream out in the wild in the mountains, with well water, clean air, wildlife and cows to keep me company. My dreams are nightmares of being lost in the city.
Posted 07/26/2020 10:39 AM
Our well water is a blessing.
Posted 07/26/2020 10:27 AM
michael escoubas:
My dream too, John! Great use of detail; sights, sounds, aromas. Good piece.
Posted 07/26/2020 09:46 AM
Larry Schug:
We all need dreams these days, reality being what it is. The question is what do we do to make them come true for everyone. Good poem-I like the line "ploughing the soil easy as combing hair,"
Posted 07/26/2020 08:02 AM