29 July 2015, West Columbia, South Carolina — Just before leaving for home...
blue pools
of deep water
splashed by dappled sunlight,
her baby eyes glow bright
when she stretches out
& snuggles soft,
young arms around her
grandfather's time-ripe neck,
runs tiny fingers through
his greying beard
& gives him
sweet morning kisses,
makes his day sweeter than
any tree-ripe peach ever
grown in either of
the Carolinas.
© by Elizabeth Perdomo.
Used here with the author's permission.
Elizabeth Perdomo has lived and written in the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas for the past 18 years, moving to the region from the Rio Grande Valley of New Mexico. Born in Kansas and raised both there and in Colorado, she also lived in the southeastern U.S. for a number of years. Elizabeth has been writing poetry since her teen years, on topics that include local place and culture, cooking, gardening, ecology and nature, traditions, spirituality, and more. The author of One Turn of Seasons, featuring poetry about people and places in East Tennessee, her work is also featured in the anthology, Kansas Time + Place and in various publications, including Heartland, Writers of the Rio Grande, Chachalaca Review, and Interstice.
So sweet and moving--made me smile
Posted 09/22/2020 10:51 AM
Lori Levy:
Beautiful poem, especially the ending.
Posted 09/19/2020 03:47 PM
Linda Lee Konichek:
Posted 09/19/2020 03:30 PM
michael escoubas:
I like "grandfather's time-ripe neck," the whole poem is nicely done. Thank you, Elizabeth.
Posted 09/19/2020 10:46 AM
Jean Colonomos-1:
So lovely and true. Makes me miss my grandkids who live far away.
Posted 09/19/2020 10:09 AM
Sharon Waller Knutson:
I loved this poem. The picturesque images and metaphors are unique and exquisite.
Posted 09/19/2020 08:52 AM
Lovely language and a great picture!
Posted 09/19/2020 05:22 AM