backyard dry run
hookless rehearsal
his first rod and reel
two right handed generations
teach the third generation, a leftie
the fine art of casting a line
setting the hook, reeling in the catch
for his first fishing expedition
with Papa and Dad
on the shores of Shadow Lake
© by Carl Palmer.
Used here with the author's permission.

Carl “Papa” Palmer lives in University Place, Washington now, but grew up on Old Mill Road (the name of his latest book) in Ridgeway, Virginia. Retired from the military and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), he enjoys being a Franciscan Hospice volunteer and being “Papa” to his grand descendants. Carl is the author of nine chapbooks and his work has been published in more than 200 journals around the world. His motto is "Long Weekends Forever!"

Wilda Morris:
Good memory poem.
Posted 06/11/2023 08:59 AM
liz dolan:
love the details, the love. Bless you in your hospice work. Liz
Posted 06/10/2023 03:48 PM
Lori Levy:
I agree, the title says it all.
Posted 06/10/2023 03:36 PM
Combining the first two comments, the title set the hook.
Posted 06/10/2023 10:18 AM
It is important to set the hook!
Posted 06/10/2023 09:23 AM
Larry Schug:
I think the title is what makes this poem. It takes me inside a youngster's imagination.
Posted 06/10/2023 08:42 AM