The thunder and lightning have finally stopped
And all that remains is the sound of the raindrops
Dancing wildly on the roof.
I lie in bed listening to the storm's cadence
As one dog shakes against my body like a Vitamix
And the other dives under the bed
Receiving a perfect 10.
They both nervously wait for the next frenzied crash of thunder
And no number of assurances that it's over
Can calm them.
I start to sing softly
Trying to sync the words to the rhythm of the rain
Like I'm the headliner
In a smoky night club
With a trio of men in dark suits
And skinny ties
Accompanying me
To the beat of a snare drum.
I slide onto the floor
And dance slowly around the room in my nightgown as I sing
Wondering if I'm making my dogs laugh
Or at least stop trembling.
And then my pup who was in hiding
Leaps back onto my bed
Burrowing frantically under the covers
But at least it's a start.
And I can see the bed has stopped vibrating
So I take a bow and move to join them
But they've shifted to take up as much territory as possible
And the only place left to lie down is if I curl up like a cat in the corner of the mattress.
There is no longer any doubt that they are laughing at me
And I smile.
© by Nancy Machlis Rechtman.
Used with the author's permission.

Nancy Machlis Rechtman is a poet, playwright, freelance writer, and former newspaper copy editor. Her work has been published in a variety of journals. Nancy has lived on both coasts, but currently makes her home in South Carolina, where she enjoys reading, gardening, cooking, creating art, and playing the guitar. Learn more about her at https://nancywriteon.wordpress.com.
Being a dog owner, I can relate. I love this! Thank you 🥰
Posted 08/29/2023 09:11 AM
Lori Levy:
Like the humor in this poem and especially like the second stanza.
Posted 08/26/2023 02:19 PM
I love the way Nancy so calmly tries to subdue the dogs fear of the thunderstorm as she takes us into the second stanza, letting go of her fun creative side and simultaneously trying to soothe her anxious pets.
Posted 08/26/2023 12:19 PM
Leslie Hodge:
We do love our dogs - even when they take up most of the bed! Great nightclub scene.
Posted 08/26/2023 12:05 PM
Wilda Morris:
What a fun poem! Great images.
Posted 08/26/2023 11:43 AM
Charming hilarious sweet. No dog has ever been in or on my bed, and my current one is like the U.S. postal service, undeterred by crashing thunder, torrential rain, blinding snow, extreme heat or cold. But I can relate totally to the antics used to calm a dog, since mine has plenty of non-weather anxiety (vacuum cleaner, toilet plunger, hair dryer). When not vacuuming, plunging, or drying, I too sing to her. And (me) doing Tai Chi helps calm her also.
Posted 08/26/2023 10:57 AM
Sharon Waller Knutson:
What I love about this poem besides the beautiful imagery is how well Nancy captured the personality of the dogs and the dog loving owner who understands the fear thunder instills in dogs - it scares me to death too - and what she does to try to console them. The metaphors and description are a bonus but it is the story that takes center stage.
Posted 08/26/2023 10:46 AM
Two of my adult children enjoy 3 dogs in the household. They are family and full of blessing especially to their children.
Posted 08/26/2023 10:44 AM
I love like a trio of men in dark suits. And only a devoted animal lover would understand taking the corner of the bed!
Posted 08/26/2023 08:48 AM