November's foot is
on the accelerator
cold air, holidays
© by Elaine Sorrentino.
Used here with the author's permission.

Elaine Sorrentino is a Communications Director by day, but a poet by night--finding inspiration in everyday things such as goats, cows, and Shetland ponies that wander into her yard. She says she is often most inspired at the least opportune moments: putting on makeup, driving to work, preparing for a dinner party, etc. Elaine, who lives next to a farm in Pembroke, Massachusetts, tries to keep a notebook handy at all times, but has been known to text herself a line or two in the middle of the night. Elaine's first collection of poems, Belly Dancing in a Brown Sweatsuit, will be released in the spring of 2025.
Wilda Morris:
Oh how true! Well done, Elaine!
Posted 12/08/2023 08:25 AM
this is so correct. Most of our poetry is about the beautiful clear weather and falling leaves and cups of coffee and walks in the woods, but, Elaine you have nailed it for me! November's foot is always on the accelerator. I will remember that every year! I also love that this is a haiku and not many adjectives. Who has time to write poetry when you are expecting 16 guests for dinner, need to winterize the barn equipment and the house, have to decorate for fall and then for Christmas, make shopping lists, etc etc etc?
Posted 11/29/2023 05:32 PM
Short and good. Excellent title. Whirlwind season!
Posted 11/29/2023 02:06 PM
Lori Levy:
Great haiku!
Posted 11/29/2023 12:56 PM
A concise and accurate summary!
Posted 11/29/2023 12:38 PM
Tom Sharpe:
Ill say, single digit mornings for a week now.
Posted 11/29/2023 10:30 AM
Great haiku for the season~~personification at its best
Posted 11/29/2023 10:14 AM
Gilbert Allen:
A deft haiku perfectly in tune with today's weather.
Posted 11/29/2023 07:30 AM
Joan Luther:
Your poem lifted my corners into an early morning sunrise. These cold nights (in SC, at least) have brought out the extra wintery layers.
Posted 11/29/2023 06:02 AM