If you have a task worth doing,
Do it now!
In delay there's danger brewing,
Do it now!
Don't you be a "by-and-byer"
And a sluggish patience-trier;
If there's aught you would acquire,
Do it now!
If you'd earn a prize worth owning,
Do it now!
Drop all waiting and postponing,
Do it now!
Say, "I will!" and then stick to it,
Choose your purpose and pursue it,
There's but one right way to do it,
Do it now!
All we have is just this minute,
Do it now!
Find your duty and begin it,
Do it now!
Surely you're not always going
To be "a going-to-be"; and knowing
You must some time make a showing.
Do it now!
This poem is in the public domain.

Nixon Waterman (1859 - 1944) was born in Newark, Illinois. A newspaper journalist and Chautauqua lecturer, he wrote hundreds of poems—from boldly inspirational to pun-filled and playful--many of which were turned into songs. Nixon spent many years in Chicago, writing for the Chicago Herald, and published a number of pieces about that city's 1893 World's Fair.
Great choice for the day. I love the upbeat style, the message, and the rhyme and meter.
Posted 01/30/2024 06:42 PM
Inspired to "do it", I am going back to bed for a nap! And yes, for the days of newspapers with a full staff of writers! I still subscribe to our local paper, so I can read it over breakfast.
Posted 01/30/2024 12:59 PM
Loved this Jayne. Thanks for sharing. And, yes, to newspapers!
Posted 01/30/2024 11:46 AM
Yes, this probably means I have to get out of this comfy bed right now.
Posted 01/30/2024 10:59 AM
Darrell Arnold:
Great find, Jayne. I love this kind of work. I love trying to write poems in this way. I'll echo Larry about the newspapers, but I'll go one further. Oh, for the days when we had newspapers.
Posted 01/30/2024 08:59 AM
Larry Schug:
Oh, for the days when newspapers employed poets!
Posted 01/30/2024 07:08 AM
Im tired just reading this. Randy Mazie
Posted 01/30/2024 06:53 AM