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Marriage Proposal at Age 98
Shoshauna Shy


He asks her again–
she ten years widowed
after seven married decades,
her name engraved on a tombstone
where her first husband lies.
Marry me, please,
this one bringing her peaches,
not wanting to die with no record
of their love.
And love him she does
for his yes-let’s-go lightness, dapper
countenance, easy humor, caring
kindness, pious nature.
But she is also fond of their separate
apartments; the freedom for holidays
with her own blood kin;
breakfast at six or maybe 10:30.
Besides, there’s that plot
on the other side of town,
someone waiting.

© by Shoshauna Shy.
Used with the author’s permission.

Shoshauna Shy began writing at the age of eight, was recruited by a muse in her early 40s and, since then, has since published five poetry collections and a wealth of award-winning fiction and nonfiction. Her poetry has been studied in classrooms, recited in church sermons, translated into Chinese, discussed by book clubs, made into videos, and produced inside taxi cabs and on the backside of city buses. Not a monogamous writer, Shoshauna works on as many as 7-11 projects at a time. The founder of Poetry Jumps Off the Shelf, she lives in Madison, Wisconsin.





Post New Comment:
Love this poem!!
Posted 02/10/2025 10:34 AM
Shoshauna Shy:
Thank you, Wilda!
Posted 05/28/2024 05:29 PM
Wilda Morris:
I was too busy writing poetry in Wisconsin to read the daily poems. This is an excellent one!
Posted 05/26/2024 10:39 PM
Shoshauna Shy:
Dear Wayne, Griffith, GHC, Camille, Lori, Darrell, Phyllis, Joan, Peggy, NJC, Kevin, Larry and Norma --- Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts!
Posted 05/26/2024 10:15 PM
I did a word count. You told the whole story in 94 words and it's a good story.
Posted 05/24/2024 08:37 PM
Wonderful thought and feeling provoking poem. In the Christian burial rite there is the reminder that death binds us to the world unseen, and this poem explores that tension.
Posted 05/24/2024 04:52 PM
Living a long life is amazing and I thank Shohauna Shy for her 'take'. All good wishes to her.
Posted 05/24/2024 02:56 PM
Ditto to Larry.
Posted 05/24/2024 02:04 PM
Lori Levy:
This poem draws me in and carries me along from beginning to end with its humor and unique insights.
Posted 05/24/2024 01:54 PM
Darrell Arnold:
There is so much love, sweetness, carrying, joy, and honor expressed in this lovely piece of writing. Perceptive and beautifully crafted. I like it.
Posted 05/24/2024 01:43 PM
Lovely, Shoshauna.
Posted 05/24/2024 10:32 AM
Joan Luther:
Very sweet!
Posted 05/24/2024 09:31 AM
Sweet and true.
Posted 05/24/2024 09:22 AM
Posted 05/24/2024 09:18 AM
Somehow Im drawn to George Bernard Shaw 'Wisdom is wasted on the old, and youth is wasted on the young.'
Posted 05/24/2024 09:05 AM
Larry Schug:
Interesting, much to think about. Thank you.
Posted 05/24/2024 08:02 AM
A perfect poetic expression of how most older women feel about a late-in-life relationship!
Posted 05/24/2024 07:59 AM

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