I am perched at the kitchen counter
trying to focus sleep encrusted eyes,
on the flickering light pulsing from
my computer screen as it attacks
the pitch black of night.
Motherhood, long obsolete, directs
sleep deprived fingers to the portals
of Facebook searching for news
gossip, spirited posts.
My children appear in the still night air,
short videos, greetings, updates.
How short sighted I was
not to have foreseen these
keyboard relationships,
prepared for the death of
an in your face argument.
To have braced myself
for the fading memory of
a farewell wave accompanied by
the promise of "we'll talk".
© by Anita Pulier.
Used with the author's permission.
Anita S. Pulier is a retired attorney who, many years ago, traded legal writing for poetry. She and her husband, Myron, pursue a bi-coastal life between New York City and Los Angeles, where they are daily hikers in the NYC parks and the Santa Monica mountains. Anita has been very involved in the Southern California poetry community and, recently, even Myron (a retired psychiatrist) has taken up poetry! Anita’s poems have appeared in numerous print and online journals and her work is included in nine print anthologies. The author of multiple collections, her most recent is Paradise Reexamined. Learn more about Anita at http://psymeet.com/anitaspulier/main/index.php.
How timely - just recently learned of my daughter's new boyfriend when her status changed to "in a relationship". who knew?
Posted 12/18/2011 09:36 PM
A beautifully written poem. So easy to relate to in these technology filled days.
Posted 12/17/2011 12:59 PM
I cried! So beautful & on point for all those times we foolishly believed life to be forever. Anita you are brilliant, wise & so human. Thanks. Rita. Www.ritacanhelp.com
Posted 12/17/2011 12:00 PM