The morning is cold
And come too soon to satisfy my pining soul
Better that the shroud of night
Should wrap me in widow's black
Yet despite the bleakness of my mood
I step into a nimbus of sunlight
Seeking warmth
Touched, perhaps, by some ancient instinct of survival
Face turned to the light
Eyes drawn to sudden flight of birds
Ears tuned to the songs they share in passing
What is this thing that draws me to appreciation
Even in the depths of mental blackness?
The light of life
Rekindles hope
With a single touch of warmth
© 2011 Mary Beth Watt.
Used with the author's permission.

Mary Beth Watt lives in Campbell, California, in the heart of Silicon Valley. She says, "I have written all of my life, everything from technical documentation to an as yet unpublished novel. But it is poetry I have always come back to,". . . reading, speaking, and writing it." Mary Beth starts most mornings with a conference call of between two and ten participants; they first read an inspirational poem, then share their reactions, ". . . which often includes poems they've written in response". Learn more about Mary Beth at http://poetryofliving.blogspot.com/.
Thanks for a lovely poem, Mary Beth. I will copy and share with friends. Love, Rosie
Posted 02/20/2012 06:55 PM
In my first reading of this poem, I saw the phrase "reckless hope" and thought how true, how true. Then in my second reading, I realized it is "rekindles hope" and I thought how true, how true!
Thanks for this poem, Mary Beth!
Posted 02/19/2012 04:07 PM
Very nice poem. I particularly appreciate your phrase "ancient instinct of survival" - it has me pondering a bond between humans across time - seeking emotional and physical sustenance from sunshine.
Posted 02/19/2012 03:53 PM
Posted 02/19/2012 10:50 AM
It is this personal choice to find
the beautiful, "the thing" worth appreciating that haunts, yet saves, many who write poetry. Perhaps the inspiration behind your morning poetry group, as well.
Mary Beth, your contrasts between light
and dark , cold and warm illuminate this fine line beautifully.
Posted 02/19/2012 10:31 AM
Posted 02/19/2012 08:45 AM