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A Song for a Christmas Tree
Louisa May Alcott


Cold and wintry is the sky,
   Bitter winds go whistling by,
   Orchard boughs are bare and dry,
Yet here stands a faithful tree.
   Household fairies kind and dear,
   With loving magic none need fear,
   Bade it rise and blossom here,
Little friends, for you and me.

   Come and gather as they fall,
   Shining gifts for great and small;
   Santa Claus remembers all
When he comes with goodies piled.
   Corn and candy, apples red,
   Sugar horses, gingerbread,
   Babies who are never fed,
Are handing here for every child.

   Shake the boughs and down they come,
   Better fruit than peach or plum,
   'T is our little harvest home;
For though frosts the flowers kill,
   Though birds depart and squirrels sleep,
   Though snows may gather cold and deep,
   Little folks their sunshine keep,
And mother-love makes summer still.

   Gathered in a smiling ring,
   Lightly dance and gayly sing,
   Still at heart remembering
The sweet story all should know,
   Of the little Child whose birth
   Has made this day throughout the earth
   A festival for childish mirth,
Since the first Christmas long ago.

This poem is in the public domain.


Louisa May Alcott was one of four daughters born to Bronson and May Alcott. Poverty was their constant companion; Mr. Alcott spent most of his life teaching and philosophizing and Louisa worked from an early age to help with expenses. She worked as a governess, a seamstress, a laundress, and a nurse but, at heart, she was always a writer. Her work ranged from gentle children's stories to torrid romances; her first book, published at the age of 23, was a collection of stories for Ralph Waldo Emerson's daughter, who was a friend and neighbor. (Other neighbors in Concord, Massachusetts, included Henry David Thoreau and Nathaniel Hawthorne.) Louisa's best known work is Little Women, which has never been out of print since it was first published in 1868; it has been translated into more than fifty languages.




Post New Comment:
A sweet poem that paints some lovely pictures.
Posted 12/17/2024 05:21 PM
Darrell Arnold:
Nostalgia. Warm and beautiful.
Posted 12/17/2024 08:51 AM
Larry Schug:
Hello from 2024. This poem provides a vision our country could use. From vision comes action.
Posted 12/17/2024 07:35 AM
Just lovely, traditional, caring, brings to view a real Christmas. It warms my heart and keeps me in the fold.
Posted 12/19/2014 10:05 AM
Wilda Morris:
I haven't read anything by Louisa for many years. Maybe it is time to pick up one of her books again! Thanks for this.
Posted 12/17/2014 08:39 AM

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