I overhear her consoling her daughter
after she strikes out "better to have swung and missed
than never to have swung at all"
and I swear I could hear Tennyson groaning
as he rolled over and over in his grave.
© by Michael Estabrook.
Used with the author's permission.
Michael Estabrook is a recently retired baby boomer child-of-the-sixties poet freed finally after working 40 years for "The Man" (and, sometimes, "The Woman"). No more useless meetings under florescent lights in stuffy windowless rooms. Now he's able to devote serious time to making better poems when he's not, of course, trying to satisfy his wife's legendary Honey-Do List.
Must agree with Ross. A smile from the poem/author...how could one not?
Thanks, Bro Michael. More smiles.
Posted 04/15/2016 01:48 PM
Lori Levy:
Short, but punchy!
Posted 04/15/2016 12:08 PM
Har har! good one.
Posted 04/15/2016 10:58 AM
Posted 04/15/2016 10:23 AM
Ha ha.
Posted 04/15/2016 10:14 AM
A good one! Dryly humorous,concise, but telling a relevant story. Janice
Posted 04/15/2016 07:57 AM
Oh that's good. Gave me a laugh with my coffee.
Let's have more of Michael's work. Tennyson too, of course.
Posted 04/15/2016 07:43 AM
Ross Kightly:
Endless possibilities for parody here! Maybe old Alf would have quite liked the immensely affectionate tone of this?
Posted 04/15/2016 06:03 AM