I’ve stayed awake to sing the midnight mass
and now I’m wide awake to watch the stars
come out. My santa years passed mighty fast,
it seems to me tonight with sleep still far
away--and what a waste that is, I think.
I could be tabbing A to notch AB,
or hanging tiny towels on tiny sinks,
or ratcheting a chain or gluing leaves
to train track trees, or at the very least
retrieving toys from where I’d hidden them
three months ago. Instead, the Pleiades
and I are keeping company with wind
and moon and all the timelessness of dark
and stars and my provisioned heart
From Christmas in Bethlehem (FutureCycle Press, 2013).
Used with the author's permission.
Dana Wildsmith's newest collection of poems, With Access to Tools, was released by Madville Publishing this month. She is also the author of five other collections of poetry and a memoir, and was a Georgia Author of the Year finalist. Born and raised in rural South Georgia, Dana traveled extensively as a Navy wife before settling in Bethlehem, Georgia, on a century-old family farm outside Atlanta. Her love of family, nature, music, tradition, and life's simple joys is the focal point of her poignant, compelling work, which has been featured in numerous journals, magazines, and anthologies, including the highly acclaimed Listen Here: Women Writing in Appalachia. Dana is a gifted teacher as well, sharing her passion for language from ESL classes at Lanier Technical College to residencies acoss the country. Learn more about her at www.danawildsmith.com.
I love this!
Posted 12/24/2014 11:54 AM
Mary Ricketson:
Keeping company with pleiades and the is the best of harmony.
Posted 12/24/2014 08:52 AM
My favorite "timelessness of dark"
Posted 12/24/2014 08:30 AM
Larry Schug:
Any poem featuring the Pleiades Sisters rings my bell! the last four lines are a poem of their own. Merry Christmas.
Posted 12/24/2014 08:12 AM
Sleep won't come so I join her 'and the Pleiades'
in this inspired poem, so well written, so relateable ~ Judy
Posted 12/24/2014 02:56 AM