I miss all of the long goodbyes
of my parents' guests
taking their leave by not leaving
when it was time to go. Someone would sign
Better go home we but hours would pass
around our round table--
the bowls of our hands offering
confession after confession
assuring us that we are we--
before anyone stands up.
Then others, sighing, will stand up
slowly and slowly walk
through our house, pausing
where the walls offer stories,
reasons to stay longer
and touch more things with our hands.
I remember how long,
how wonderfully they stood
unwilling to open the front door,
signing away with warm faces
and hugging goodbye again
before going gently into the night.
My family would huddle to watch
their cars' headlights roll away
but pause to flash in the Deaf way,
waving goodbye to our house.
How we children dashed inside
to light switches for our house
to wave back goodbye,
light to light bright in the night!
Now that I am grown
and have my own family, do come
for a visit but do not leave
when it is time to go. Sign, do sign
Better go home we and our hands
will make time go suddenly slow.
From Suddenly Slow (Handtype Press, 2008)
Used with the author's permission.

John Lee Clark was born deaf and became blind in adolescence. His work has appeared in many publications and he is the author of a chapbook and editor of the definitive anthology, Deaf American Poetry, published by Gallaudet University Press. John lives in St. Paul, Minnesota, with his wife and three sons. Learn more about him at https://johnleeclark.com/.
Lori Levy:
I can totally see this scene. Beautiful.
Posted 12/27/2024 01:13 PM
There is a sweet feeling to this poem and the author has a great story as well.
Posted 12/27/2024 11:31 AM
Interesting and effective to use such well-ordered
words to describe alternate forms of communication.
Posted 12/27/2014 01:07 PM
So true, so accurate, the way you describe these long goodbyes. We must savor them!
Posted 12/27/2014 12:44 PM
Yes, sentimental but not sappy. Genuine feeling. I enjoyed this poem
Posted 12/27/2014 11:53 AM
Beautifully expressed, in whatever language. Makes me want to learn sign all over again.
Posted 12/27/2014 10:15 AM
I remember those long good-byes from my youth.
Posted 12/27/2014 09:02 AM
Larry Schug:
Thank you for opening our eyes, John. All of us seem to be blind and deaf in so many ways. There is truth that is universal in this poem.
Posted 12/27/2014 08:01 AM
I love this--the compactness of the lines, the internal rhyme, the sentimental but not sappy feelings...
Posted 12/27/2014 07:23 AM