Greet each morning like a welcome surprise,
each family member as if they lit up my world
Delight in what I have to eat, in the freedom to walk
and if confined to old paths
sniff out something interesting each day
If it’s bright, relax in a patch of sunlight
If it’s dark, curl up in my favourite chair
Yawn and stretch when it suits me
Bark only when necessary
Be happy for a pat on the back and a soft word
Don't think about yesterday
or tomorrow
Give love and watch it come back
This poem first appeared in the Pangolin Review.
Used here with the author’s permission.

Maryalicia Post grew up in New York City and now lives in Dublin, Ireland. She is a journalist and travel writer. Her poem, “After You,” which chronicles the year after her husband died, was published by Souvenir Press. Learn more about Maryalicia here.
Yes, yes and yes again!
Posted 08/21/2018 09:00 AM
Dorothy WildhagenD:
Good reminders. Live for each moment. Animals are so instinctual.
Posted 08/14/2018 02:09 PM
Lori Levy:
Great lessons!
Posted 08/14/2018 01:39 PM
Although I do not own a dog, or that is, I do not have one who 'owns' me as many of my friends have, I do appreciate how very much they are loved. This poem captures that, certainly.
Posted 08/14/2018 01:00 PM
Sharon Waller Knutson:
I love this poem. Unique, clever and insightful.
Posted 08/14/2018 12:32 PM
The most interesting line, for me is "each family member as if they lit up my world"-- the as if connotes such complexity.
Posted 08/14/2018 09:51 AM
michael escoubas:
My household has 4 dogs who are nothing less than members of the family, and yes, a dog's life is wonderful life!
Posted 08/14/2018 08:42 AM
Sarah Russell:
Smiling. Dogs are the best!
Posted 08/14/2018 08:29 AM
Larry Schug:
Well said. I can't imagine a life without dogs.
Posted 08/14/2018 08:24 AM
Pets teach us so much. This littl poem captures it so very well. Do't think about yesterday or tomorrow....just perfect lines for a perfect day. Thanks!
Posted 08/14/2018 08:05 AM