busy grey squirrel hears
fall acorns pit pat bounce
dashes out of nest
© by Gregg Dotoli.
Used with the author's permission

Gregg Dotoli is a white hat hacker who works for a large corporation, keeping organizations safe. A resident of Nutley, New Jersey, his first love is the arts and he enjoys the rich culture of nearby NYC.
There's a haiku conference coming up in August. You can see details at http://www.haikunorthamerica.com/.
Posted 11/28/2018 12:03 PM
Thank you YDP.
Posted 11/27/2018 10:41 AM
Janis, thank you I'll look into the Haiku Society. Lori, Michael and cork, :) very kind words....
Posted 11/27/2018 10:39 AM
Janis Lukstein:
Gregg Dotoli on 11-26-18: nice images of a super fast squirrel. In So Cal we have brown ones and hope I can figure out how to post this comment... hours later since I can't remember my sign on, password and other.... Check out Haiku Society of America for membership with several books a year including an anthology plus such haiku online sites as prunejuice and tiny words, and more.
Posted 11/26/2018 02:31 PM
Lori Levy:
This haiku does a great job capturing the image of the squirrel and the acorns.
Posted 11/26/2018 01:32 PM
michael escoubas:
A good haiku is rare, Gregg. You've given us one to remember! Thank you.
Posted 11/26/2018 08:37 AM
In a nutshell--very nice!
Posted 11/26/2018 08:25 AM