Peace be around thee, wherever thou rov'st;
May life be for thee one summer's day,
And all that thou wishest, and all that thou lov'st,
Come smiling around thy sunny way!
If sorrow e'er this calm should break,
May even thy tears pass off so lightly,
Like spring-showers, they'll only make
The smiles that follow shine more brightly.
May Time, who sheds his blight o'er all,
And daily dooms some joy to death,
O'er thee let years so gently fall,
They shall not crush one flower beneath.
As half in shade and half in sun
This world along its path advances,
May that side the sun's upon
Be all that e'er shall meet thy glances!
This poem is in the public domain.
Thomas Moore (1779 - 1852) was an Irish poet, composer, and songwriter who enjoyed both fame and financial success from his writing throughout his lifetime. Though Irish by birth, Thomas lived most of his life in London; nonetheless, he is considered Ireland’s national poet. Fond of a good time, Thomas avoided prison at one point by moving to Bermuda until his debts in London could be paid. He was a close friend of Lord Byron, internationally known for his songs and poems and, at one point, Edgar Allan Poe pronounced Thomas "the most popular poet now living".
A lovely prayer.
Posted 09/21/2019 09:30 AM
This light-hearted poet should not be confused with the centuries-earlier knighted and beheaded Sir Thomas More--one less 'o.' More's heavier-hearted poems went on for pages.
Posted 09/21/2019 08:20 AM
Larry Schug:
Indeed. Pass it on.
Posted 09/21/2019 06:35 AM