Until winter
turned to rain
and the cardinal pair
to do their songs
and dance in the cherry tree
outside my window
and lay their speckled eggs,
our fear
of death and debt
had drummed at the door
and turned the tight knob
of icy rage
that gripped our raggedness
until winter turned to blessed rain
dissolving our despair.
© by Marsha Foss.
Used with the author's permission.
Marsha Foss, a retired educator, spends her time between her two favorite states, Maryland and Minnesota. When in St. Paul, she enjoys being connected to the area's vibrant writing community. Her work has been published in numerous places, and she has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. An added joy is living near two young grandsons.
What a powerful sentence! Loved the repetition of 'Until Winter' at the beginning and end of the poem, and the image of winter's grip fading with the rain!
Posted 02/17/2020 07:07 AM
Lori Levy:
Like the image and the calming effect of the cardinals in the cherry tree, along with the rain.
Posted 02/16/2020 11:17 PM
Janet Leahy:
Your choice of words for fear bring strong sounds to this poem "death and debt drummed at the door"
and the "tight knob of icy rage" . . . wow, that is when we really need spring, wonderful poem.
Posted 02/16/2020 11:33 AM