After a pastel by Judith Roark
It isn't Robert Frost's
less-travelled road, that fork in life
where one must decide which way to go.
This road is merely a path
much travelled on, worn and dusty,
boring to a ten-year-old. Then, life
happens between the school bus and the house—
Mother meets me at the door, scoops
me up like soft ice cream, kisses
my peach-colored cheeks, brings out a plate
of warm Toll House cookies, with cold milk,
sits near me, her chin resting in both hands.
How was your day? Tell me all about it.
Now, three-score and ten,
what I wouldn't give to live those days again.
© by Michael Escoubas.
Used with the author's permission.

© by Judith Roark.
Used with the artist's permission.
View more of her work at rjroarkphotography.net.
Michael Escoubas began writing poetry for publication in August of 2013, after retiring from a 48-year-career in the printing industry. He writes poetry because, early in life, his mother encouraged him. Michael also writes poetry because he believes poetry brings people together and that poets are menders of broken things. He is the author of six collections; the most recent is Ripples Into the Light, a collection partnered with photographs by Vandana Bajikar and designed to rest the soul and calm the spirit. Michael is Senior Editor and Book Reviewer at Quill and Parchment, an online poetry journal. He lives in Illinois.

Lori Levy:
Beautiful poem.
Posted 05/10/2020 10:32 PM
What a wonderful memory! Thank you for sharing it.
Posted 05/10/2020 05:47 PM
Wilda Morris:
Ah, yes, how we wish we sometimes wish we could be children again in the glow of our mothers' love! Thank you, Michael, for expressing it so well.
Posted 05/10/2020 12:15 PM
Really beautiful. Envious and glad that you, I assume, had this mother. Sad I wasn't more this mother. What a wonderful tribute.
Posted 05/10/2020 11:07 AM
Janet Leahy:
Beautiful memories create this beautiful poem.
Thanks Michael
Posted 05/10/2020 10:50 AM
Jean Colonomos-1:
Amen, Michael. Listening with love is a lifetime gift. I love scoops/me up like soft ice cream...
Posted 05/10/2020 10:49 AM
Beautiful. Perfect for today.
Posted 05/10/2020 10:21 AM
A tender, yet ordinary moment between a boy and his mother. I think this boy was well prepared for his journey forward in life.
Posted 05/10/2020 10:15 AM
Sharon Waller Knutson:
What a wonderful homage to the stay at home mother and those of us who were lucky enough to have a mother who was there with milk and cookies and to listen to us when we got home from school. I still miss my mother and she has been gone for more than twenty years.
Posted 05/10/2020 09:31 AM
Larry Schug:
Don't so many of us feel the same way today. These words do justice to a painting that also inspires.
Posted 05/10/2020 08:45 AM