When she relocated to her new home
I gave my darling niece a teapot,
bestowed lifelong advice —
every home needs a touch of yellow.
Days later, a friend wrote
she was wearing the butter-yellow sweater
I gave her on a blustery day.
There have been other yellows —
first daffodils of spring,
summer sunflowers,
my citron slicker,
daisies — he loves me, he loves me not,
the gold ring on my finger.
I slice fresh lemon for tea,
spread local honey on toast,
sing "My Only Sunshine."
I admire the canary a friend
keeps in her kitchen,
the melody of his song.
I remember Dagwood and Blondie
in the Sunday funnies,
snap up Atlantic Avenue
and Marvin Gardens playing Monopoly,
watch out for children
as yellow school buses pull up to the curb.
I bake lemon meringue pies,
buy butter to spread on sweet corn,
make goldenrod toast
for Sunday night suppers,
center the table with beeswax candles,
keep curtains open as the moon rises.
© by Sharon Lask Munson.
Used with the author's permission.

Sharon Lask Munson is a retired teacher, poet, old movie enthusiast, and lover of road trips. Author of many published poems, two chapbooks, and two full-length books of poetry, she says many things motivate her to write: a mood, a memory, the smell of cooking, burning leaves, a windy day, rain, fog, something observed or overheard and, of course, imagination. Sharon lives and writes in Surprise, Arizona.

Love the yellow imaginations ... It certainly makes you feel like you are walking on sunshine.
Smiles my friend.
Posted 05/24/2020 02:33 PM
Lori Levy:
Great poem about all the things "yellow" brings to mind.
Posted 05/15/2020 11:08 PM
What wonderful images! Thank you for brightening my day.
Posted 05/15/2020 03:02 PM
WOnderful imagery!
Posted 05/15/2020 01:56 PM
Sharon Waller Knutson:
Yellow is my favorite color and I love all shades of yellow. My hair is blonde. I remember Blondie and Dagwood. I have a gold and diamond wedding ring set and I heed all caution signs and school buses. And my name is Sharon so I relate to the poet.
Posted 05/15/2020 12:32 PM
I think of my mom�s kitchen which she painted yellow. In her last house she painted her kitchen cabinets just the right shade of yellow. I am ready for touches of yellow today, so thanks, Sharon, for this cheery and cozy poem.
Posted 05/15/2020 12:25 PM
I am mellow yellow on this gray day
after reading Sharon's very clever,
excellent poem. Thank you, Sharon!
Posted 05/15/2020 11:31 AM
Vividly descriptive and delightful.
Hats off to yellow! Janice
Posted 05/15/2020 09:36 AM
Well, that's a buzz killer, Cork!!!
Posted 05/15/2020 09:28 AM
Why is yellow a symbol of cowardice?
Posted 05/15/2020 09:26 AM
I like the reference to Sunday funnies. I haven't heard that word for years.
Posted 05/15/2020 09:09 AM
Yellow daffodils sure brighten the gray days of our late spring! I love this celebration of a color that brings joy.
Posted 05/15/2020 08:32 AM
michael escoubas:
A truly experiential poem! Thank you Sharon.
Posted 05/15/2020 07:13 AM
Larry Schug:
Where would we be without yellow? Who would we be?
Posted 05/15/2020 07:13 AM
Lovely, so nice to think about the positive connotations for colors!
Posted 05/15/2020 05:45 AM