On a whim we went skating at
Como Lake one afternoon
I was sixteen, he fifty something.
He had not skated in 35 years
and his skates looked the part
threadbare laces, dull, rusty blades
leather from a Biblical cow
I had my hockey stick to balance
he kept his hands in his pockets
striding with middle aged savvy
and extra credit for effort.
On the way home he let me
drive his Datsun with a manual tranny
I whiplashed us to tears at
every stoplight, stalling, starting
shifting, clutching, stalling, repeat.
We were a couple of screw-ups
muddling our way into fun
that cold Minnesota winter day
just my stepfather and I.
© by Jim Landwehr.
Used with the author’s permission.
Jim Landwehr is a twenty-first century cartographer and Renaissance man. In between his day job (which keeps the lights on and the creditors at bay), he walks his dog, takes an occasional bike ride, and scribbles out books and poetry. Next to his wife and his two above average children, Jim’s seven books are his biggest pride and joys. He’s working towards a Pulitzer but, at the moment, would settle for a few good Amazon reviews and a bit of beer money. Learn more about Jim at http://jimlandwehr.com.
Wilda Morris:
Yes! Wonderful picture of a precious time.
Posted 06/21/2020 11:19 AM
Wonderful tribute to a valued man. Years ago I saw an older man skating "laps" at an indoor rink in Appleton, moving much the way the skater described is doing. Yay!
Posted 06/17/2020 02:04 PM
We here do not ice skate but do roller skate. Loved the way you brought back an important time in your life.
Posted 06/17/2020 01:16 PM
"leather from a Biblical cow" - perhaps they were originally Methuselah's ice skates!
Posted 06/16/2020 10:40 PM
Lori Levy:
Love the humor in this poem.
And glad you're back, Jayne. Hope you feel better soon!
Posted 06/16/2020 03:14 PM
Love the poem as much as his bio. Hope that beer money trickles in.
Posted 06/16/2020 11:45 AM
Cathys Sister:
Enjoyed this poem!
Posted 06/16/2020 10:40 AM
Great poem!!!
Posted 06/16/2020 10:04 AM
Lovely memory, full of fun and tenderness. Funny how these muddling moments are the ones that stick.
Posted 06/16/2020 09:03 AM
I, too,liked "the Biblical cow," and I thought the title was perfect.
Posted 06/16/2020 08:54 AM
michael escoubas:
Nicely done, Jim! What I like about this poem is that everyone's trying to do the right thing, the best thing, amid laughter and sweet imperfections.
Posted 06/16/2020 08:47 AM
Sharon Waller Knutson:
Nice nostalgia poem to kick off the tribute to Father's Day. I laughed at the line: "leather from a Biblical cow."
Posted 06/16/2020 08:35 AM
Very nice memory and a twist at the end. Thanks. Randy
Posted 06/16/2020 08:01 AM
Larry Schug:
Seems you're describing my old skates. A cool way to begin what's going to be a hot day. Thanks.
Posted 06/16/2020 07:24 AM