O, blushing orb
of summer sun,
sliced thick,
balanced on bacon,
with dark wheat toast
fresh green romaine,
is that a BLT
you're making?
pass the mayo,
© by Phyllis Beckman.
Used with the author's permission.

Phyllis Beckman lives in Onalaska, Wisconsin, where she writes a poem every day and shares it with 76 family members and friends. She credits the Tuesday Edition of the Mississippi Valley Writers of La Crosse, Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets for ongoing inspiration and encouragement.
Lori Levy:
Sounds delicious!
Posted 07/15/2020 11:45 PM
Now I want a BLT,but only Duke's mayo will do, here in the South!!
Posted 07/15/2020 09:20 AM
Sharon Waller Knutson:
I love this delicious delightful poem. I can taste it, see it and smell it.
Posted 07/15/2020 08:22 AM
michael escoubas:
I'll be right over!!
Posted 07/15/2020 07:42 AM