I return to my childhood
on the old Zimmer place
where the best things happened
to my brothers and me . . .
the big day often dawned
shrouded in crystalline gray
the flakes goose-down soft
each falling into its place
nestled next to another
as if predetermined by an
Artist bent on decorating
an otherwise desolate land.
Dad's 1951 russet-red pickup
hauled a mint-spiced Douglas fir
the four of us chose and cut.
It took a long time to decide
which tree was perfect enough
for such an honor. All this returns
to me, in these my latter years . . .
the truck, ice-sequined trees and love.
© by Michael Escoubas.
Used with the author's permission.
Michael Escoubas began writing poetry for publication in August of 2013, after retiring from a 48-year-career in the printing industry. He writes poetry because, early in life, his mother encouraged him. Michael also writes poetry because he believes poetry brings people together and that poets are menders of broken things. He is the author of six collections; the most recent is Ripples Into the Light, a collection partnered with photographs by Vandana Bajikar and designed to rest the soul and calm the spirit. Michael is Senior Editor and Book Reviewer at Quill and Parchment, an online poetry journal. He lives in Illinois.

Wilda Morris:
Good work, Michael! I especially like the line about the Artist and the conclusion. Good use of details.
Posted 12/17/2020 03:31 PM
"...the truck, ice-sequined trees and love." For me, those few words tell the whole story. Thank you.
Posted 12/17/2020 11:44 AM
Thanks for the memory Michael.
What a fine poem. I can still smell that Douglas fir.
Posted 12/16/2020 09:28 PM
Lori Levy:
Beautiful poem and details. Love the "ice-sequined trees."
Posted 12/16/2020 07:23 PM
Arlene Gay Levine:
"an Artist bent on decorating an otherwise desolate land" -- yes, a perfect description that graces the day and your poem...
Posted 12/16/2020 04:17 PM
William Marr:
I am sure these beautiful memories will bring you more happiness this Christmas!
Posted 12/16/2020 12:17 PM
michael escoubas:
Appreciate all the gracious comments . . . thank to all!
Posted 12/16/2020 12:01 PM
Glen Sorestad:
Nicely done, Michael. You�ve placed us right there with you.
Posted 12/16/2020 09:37 AM
This is my favorite Christmas tradition as well!
Posted 12/16/2020 07:44 AM
Sharon Waller Knutson:
Love this nostalgia poem. Wonderful images: the flakes goose-down soft, Dad�s 1951 russet-red pickup, mint-spiced Douglas fir, ice-sequined tree.
Posted 12/16/2020 07:35 AM
Larry Schug:
These words place me in the scene and the feeling of nostalgia.
Posted 12/16/2020 07:14 AM