Denim and boots,
white Sunday suits,
kisses and giggles,
wet beds and wiggles.
Monsters and fables,
climbing on tables,
baseballs and bats,
pulled tails of cats.
Crayons and mud,
bruises and blood,
guns, forts, and sticks,
"Voila!" magic tricks.
Video games,
hot cars and airplanes,
back talk and bragging,
car keys and nagging.
Acne and hair creams,
night jobs and daydreams,
tuition and classes,
mascaraed lashes.
Resumes, rings;
he's spreading his wings.
My little boy's gone;
how time marches on!
From A Mother of Sons (Loyola Press, 2004).
Used here with permission.

Jayne Jaudon Ferrer is the author of five books of poetry, a nonfiction book about games, and a novel, Hayley and the Hot Flashes. Jayne created www.YourDailyPoem.com in 2009 to share the pleasure and diversity of poetry. A former copywriter, magazine editor, newspaper columnist, and freelance journalist, her work has appeared in hundreds of publications. When not writing or reading, Jayne enjoys music, old movies, gardening, hiking, and good conversation. A native Floridian, she has lived in Greenville, South Carolina, for almost 30 years. Learn more about her at www.jaynejaudonferrer.com.
barbara eknoian:
JOYFUL - A Wonderful memory.
Posted 01/08/2023 03:46 PM
Darrell Arnold:
I guess it's odd, but your beautiful poem put me in mind of special days with my father, grandfather, and or grandmother, instead of with my kids. Such beautiful memories come flooding back from my childhood of those special times.
Posted 01/07/2023 07:52 PM
Absolutely wonderful. My fave!
Posted 01/07/2023 12:04 PM
Pat Brisson:
I love that last line. Thanks, Jayne, for these lovely images of life with a toddler.
Posted 01/07/2023 07:25 AM