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David Blumenfeld


to brush your teeth and floss and use the water pick and
fix the kids' breakfast, peanut butter and jelly in their lunch
box, cancel your dental exam because there's just no time,
get to work by eight, finish that report by ten, the one that
was due yesterday, call the cleaning lady before Wednesday
so she can come before bridge club on Saturday and
to pay the bills at the end of the month, the taxes at the end of
the year.  Oh, yes, and pay the cleaning lady for the last two
times you forgot, order labels for clothes so the kids can go
to Camp What's-Its-Name high in the Poconos and don't
forget those other things either, the ones on your "to-do" list,
wherever you put it, et memento mori (and remember that
you have to die) because you're human, too, but remember
the other things first because they'll be more useful today
and from day

© by David Blumenfeld.
Used here with the author's permission.


David Blumenfeld (aka Dean Flowerfield) is a former philosophy professor and associate dean who, in retirement, returned to writing the poetry, creative nonfiction, and children’s literature he abandoned in his twenties for full-time work in philosophy. David’s work appears in a wide variety of journals and anthologies. He lives with his wife, an artist, on a barrier island on the Georgia coast. Learn more about him at



Post New Comment:
I think a good way of describing this poem is "taking things one step at a time". A good philosophy for life, I think.
Posted 04/24/2023 08:34 PM
typo: Arlene
Posted 04/24/2023 05:19 PM
Thank you all for the comments. And Arelene: I hadn't thought about it but I guess you are right --- the philosopher is still in there somewhere. Hiding but still there. David
Posted 04/24/2023 05:18 PM
Arlene Gay Levine:
Witty and wise, David, and clearly you can't take the philosopher (et memento mori) out of the poet. And why would you want to!
Posted 04/24/2023 03:31 PM
Lori Levy:
Yes, so much to remember. I like the humor in this poem.
Posted 04/24/2023 02:08 PM
Ron Stewart:
Well Done David. We've all had days, nay years like that especially when the kids were young
Posted 04/24/2023 11:21 AM
Hearing you, David! The poem's structure is so true . . . everything, seemingly running on and on, all things meshing, from day . . . to . . . day.
Posted 04/24/2023 10:44 AM
Wilda Morris:
A good poem to start my day! Thank you.
Posted 04/24/2023 09:06 AM
I loved reading a poetic version of my life! Thanks, David!
Posted 04/24/2023 08:55 AM
Larry Schug:
This poem feels like I'm hearing the creak of an empty swing. I like the back and forth feel I get.
Posted 04/24/2023 07:41 AM

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