I'm a two-cup man, I like my tea.
If you insist, I'll even have three.
I like it hot; I like it sweet,
You can always make it four as a treat.
I drink it from a cup, I drink it from a mug,
Given the chance I'll even drink it from a jug.
Tea leaves or tea bags, it's all the same to me,
Just keep it coming, as strong as it can be.
If you run out of tea, just go get some more,
And I'll eagerly wait 'til you walk in the door.
© by Michael Jones.
Used here with the author's permission.

Michael Jones lives in Finchley, a suburb of London, England. He originally focused on writing song lyrics, but has turned to poetry in recent years. Retired after a diverse career in sales and marketing, Mike's latest hobby is learning to play the ukulele.
This delightful--creative and entertaining. It would be coffee in my poem.
Posted 05/21/2023 12:11 AM
Lori Levy:
Makes me think of Dr. Seuss. I like it!
Posted 05/20/2023 02:51 PM
Who wouldda guessed, from his subject matter that he was British? The English and their tea!
Posted 05/20/2023 10:11 AM
Illustrated, this poem would also be a great little book!
Posted 05/20/2023 10:07 AM
Lapsang Souchong and you can't go wrong.
Posted 05/20/2023 09:40 AM
Wilda Morris:
Fun! But what about herbal tea? LOL
Posted 05/20/2023 08:22 AM
Larry Schug:
A well-deserved ode to TEA, said with such alacrity. Here's to Earl Grey!
Posted 05/20/2023 07:58 AM
Joan Luther:
What a lively tune tickles my ear with this!
Posted 05/20/2023 07:30 AM