I am the winds that rise and blow
Across the hills and hollows.
I am the balmy summer's day,
The star-filled night that follows.
I am the river's cruising speed,
The tide that ebbs and flows.
I am the painter of the weald,
The perfume of the rose.
Oh, I compose the linnet's song—
Her sonnets and her airs.
I am the choreographer
For dancing wild march hares.
The graceful swans upon the lake,
The mallard and her clutch,
Are of the glorious legacy
From Mother Nature's touch.
For when you see a hallowed moon,
Fresh dew upon the land,
You know I work in unison
With our Lord's mighty hand.
© by Joseph Browne.
Used here with the author's permission.

Joseph Browne lives in Archway, located in north London, England. Retired from a career as a plasterer, he now enjoys writing poetry, reading, and doing crossword puzzles.
Posted 08/08/2023 03:48 AM
Beautiful images!
Posted 08/06/2023 05:42 PM
Lori Levy:
Like the personification of Mother Nature in this poem.
Posted 08/06/2023 02:22 PM
Lovely poem--skillfully written, descriptive, and reverent
Posted 08/06/2023 02:20 PM
Joan Luther:
Just read some R Frost again yesterday and this walks in the same direction. Wonderful poem!
Posted 08/06/2023 11:04 AM
Very nice, Randy Mazie
Posted 08/06/2023 10:29 AM
Darrell Arnold:
Before I ever read who he was or where he was from, I detected the touch of the old English master poets in his words and phrasing. I said to myself, "I wonder if this man is English." When you learn from the best, you write with the best. Beautiful poem.
Posted 08/06/2023 08:30 AM