Come sit on my lap and I'll read you a tale, a story of you and me.
We'll smuggle ourselves onto a pirate ship and stealthily put to sea.
And when we set foot on the treasure isle, we'll capture the pirates bold,
Then sail back to our sovereign lord with a hold stuffed with silver and gold.
Come sit here beside me and listen to this, a tome of magic and might.
We'll go on a quest for a missing prince in the dungeon of the Black Knight.
Goblins and orcs and dragons we'll dodge as we fight our way through to his cell,
And fight our way all the way back out again; oh, we'll have a tale to tell!
Come sit next to me, won't you spin me a yarn, an adventure just for two?
We'll rocket past Mars on our way to the stars in our ship, The Derring-do.
And we'll make friends with an alien band and cut a gold record or five,
Dive through a black hole, whiz 'round Saturn's rings, and still make it home alive.
For all of the world can be found in books, each book is a world, you see.
And whether it's love or adventure you seek, we'll find it—come, read with me.
© by Kate Tompkins.
Used with the author's permission.
Kate Tompkins lives in Montreal with her husband of 30+ years and a very spoiled cat. Author of two e-chapbooks, The Fickle Muse and Shadow Song, she is currently proofing Tales from the Matthewsburg Manse, a forthcoming short story collection about a city girl/pastor's wife adjusting to life in a small town.

Thanks to everyone for the comments and encouragement. I agree that the article Jayne posted is well worth the read.
As far as reading to cats, mine doesn't appreciate it. Interrupts her nap, I suppose.
Posted 10/26/2023 09:29 AM
What a delightful poem.
Brought back many memories.
I agree with Michael about Jayne article.
Posted 10/26/2023 12:20 AM
Posted 10/25/2023 10:29 PM
Lori Levy:
Captures the fun and excitement of reading to a child.
Posted 10/25/2023 01:26 PM
This is delightful. This poem sounds like an old classic. I wouldn't be surprised to have found it in one of my old favorite books, 100 poems for young people.
Posted 10/25/2023 10:41 AM
Posted 10/25/2023 10:25 AM
Of course, a fiction writer loves . . .
Posted 10/25/2023 10:08 AM
Joan Luther:
Adventures await on pages .very inspiring poem!
Posted 10/25/2023 09:33 AM
Totally wonderful! The cadence reminds me of a ship at sea . . . and the message--so elegant as well. By the way, Jayne's article by Hannah Sheldon-Dean is truly worth the read. Thank you, Jayne.
Posted 10/25/2023 09:25 AM
Wilda Morris:
"...all of the world can be found in books," and each book is a world. Well done!
Posted 10/25/2023 08:54 AM
Larry Schug:
Nothing like a good story red to another person-or cat. Beautiful.
Posted 10/25/2023 08:13 AM
Susi Eastin :
Magical! Inspiring... what a delight!
I'll read it to my classes,..
...as well as my cat!
Posted 10/25/2023 07:13 AM