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Return Address Stickers
C. F. Kelly


In this era of advanced technology
I seldom write a personal letter
since my computer email meets most
of my daily communication needs.

I can do so much so quickly
with multiple message response options:
delete, reply, reply all, or simply save
to peruse with absolute focus at a later time.

The problem I am constantly facing is
what we now facetiously call snail mail,
not because of routine fee increases
or pitifully poor post office parking.

It is that I now have almost sixty
million return address stickers from
multiple organizations that sent them
in hopes of a substantial donation.

From Collected Poems (2016).
Used here with permission.


Cornelius Farrell Kelly lives in Pinedale, Wyoming, with his wife of 60+ years, in a house they built with the help of their ten children at an altitude of 7300 feet above sea level. The author of eight chapbooks and two published books, he writes a rhyming couplet every morning and posts it on his Facebook page. Cork is a competitive senior swimmer (he says he frequently gets ideas for a poem while swimming). He's scheduled to participate in five events in March and will be the guest speaker at the Wyoming Senior Winter Games banquet.



Post New Comment:
Thank you for making me laugh.
Posted 03/05/2024 08:12 AM

Posted 03/05/2024 08:11 AM
The grandkids can use them for collage art! I do send a fair amount of postal mail, so I keep the prettiest stickers to use, and put the rest in the shred bin. Although I love Cork's idea of sending them to friends to encourage them to writethat's quite clever!
Posted 03/03/2024 06:15 PM
Lori Levy:
So true!
Posted 03/03/2024 03:49 PM
Return address stickers How will I ever use all of these return address stickers that charities send as incentive for me to contribute? How will I ever use all of these return address stickers with their varied styles and colors and specific decorations? How will I ever use all of these return address stickers when I seldom mail letters needing them and my printer does return addresses? How will I ever use all of these return address stickers that peel so easily from the sticky sheets? How will I ever use all of these return address stickers that take up space on my desk? One of these days I will carry them through the house pasting them at random on whatever I see. One of these days I will mail large collections to each of my friends to promote and facilitate their communications with me. C. F. Kelly
Posted 03/03/2024 01:32 PM
Put them on utensils, containers, dishes that you take to potlucks, etc.
Posted 03/03/2024 01:11 PM
Leslie Hodge:
so true, so funny! Love the "pitifully poor post office parking."
Posted 03/03/2024 11:32 AM
At first I had no idea what you were referring to in your final verse - and then I started laughing out loud as it dawned on me I knew exactly what you were referring to since I have a drawerful of the same sixty million return stickers!
Posted 03/03/2024 10:48 AM
Larry Schug:
Ain't that life in 2024?!
Posted 03/03/2024 08:08 AM

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