What she taught me was fearlessness,
cloaked in knowledge, preparation, and confidence:
"If anyone could do it better, they'd be up there instead of you."
What she taught me was kindness,
delivered in gestures, compliments, assistance
given freely to all.
What she taught me was respect,
for myself, for my elders, for anyone
who lives life honest and faithful and true.
What she taught me was love,
measured in tablespoons, phone calls, a turned down bed,
the celebration of life's every moment, large or small.
© 2013 by Jayne Jaudon Ferrer
Used with the author's permission.

Jayne Jaudon Ferrer is the author of five books of poetry, a nonfiction book about games, and a novel, Hayley and the Hot Flashes. Jayne created www.YourDailyPoem.com in 2009 to share the pleasure and diversity of poetry. A former copywriter, magazine editor, newspaper columnist, and freelance journalist, her work has appeared in hundreds of publications. When not writing or reading, Jayne enjoys music, old movies, gardening, hiking, and good conversation. A native Floridian, she has lived in Greenville, South Carolina, for almost 30 years. Learn more about her at www.jaynejaudonferrer.com.
Mary Lou Taylor:
After a time off the emails, I just read your tribute to your mother. Thank you for sharing your love of her with those who were fortunate to read the poem.
Posted 11/24/2013 06:34 PM
Beautiful -- a poem for every breathing moment of the year.
Posted 11/12/2013 06:50 AM
What a beautiful tribute. I extra love that last stanza. Measured in tablespoons...sigh.
Posted 11/01/2013 01:45 PM
Thank you for all your kind words. I'm so glad to know my thoughts led some of you to reflect on your own mothers.
Posted 10/25/2013 08:45 PM
Just got home and read your blog first. You certainly do follow in her footsteps.
Thank you for sharing her life with us.
Posted 10/24/2013 09:24 PM
Donna Pflueger:
Oh Jayne, your poem, so strong and straight forward, so true - that last stanza said it all so beautifully. Thanks for sharing.
Posted 10/24/2013 07:48 PM
The first stanza sets the tone here . . .
Posted 10/24/2013 06:41 PM
So very rich with love and wisdom. I can only hope that I will have passed on as much of both to my son as your mother did to you.
Posted 10/24/2013 06:01 PM
What a wonderful tribute. And now you pass on those gifts to others, including in sharing this poem! May we all have a "Lila" in our lives, and a Jayne. Doris
Posted 10/24/2013 02:24 PM
I dreamt about my mother last night and then awakened to your lovely poem. Donna
Posted 10/24/2013 12:51 PM
wendy morton:
The turned down bed. Wonderful.
Posted 10/24/2013 11:30 AM
Wilda Morris:
What a lovely tribute. You must have learned the lessons well - you certainly encourage many of us!
Posted 10/24/2013 09:26 AM
The last stanza got me! Wonderful poem!!!
Posted 10/24/2013 09:18 AM
Stephen Anderson:
A heartfelt poem with well deserved gratitude.
Posted 10/24/2013 08:53 AM
Yes, I am so glad to see your own work, Jayne! I hope you will post more in the future. Great reading your tribute!
Posted 10/24/2013 08:36 AM
Ralph Murre:
Beautiful, Jayne. Thanks for posting one of your own and for reminding us how lucky we are who've had a "Lila" in our lives.
Posted 10/24/2013 07:56 AM
Larry Schug:
My mother never saw one of my poems, but she knew I'd be a poet. Any words about mothers and poetry get to me. "Love measured in tablespoons"--right on.
Posted 10/24/2013 07:35 AM
especially loved the last stanza, Jayne...beautiful tribute.
Posted 10/24/2013 07:04 AM
Janet F.:
A personal response today. My mother's name is Jayne. She is 87, taught me to appreciate poetry; I came to my love of it on my own. She told me I could do or be anything I wanted as long as I wanted it badly enough......today the oncologist tells her how they will treat the small lung cancer in each lung. Active and in good condition for her age, she never smoked or drank. How ironic. Your poem reached out today. Love that your mother taught kindness. There is so much of that missing these days.
Posted 10/24/2013 06:10 AM
Love measured in tablespoons - that was my mother, too. Thanks.
Posted 10/24/2013 05:34 AM
Ross Kightly:
Jayne, you are, of course, abundantly forgiven the 'self-indulgence' of celebrating the influence of the most important person in anyone's life in this poem where the final two lines carry a huge weight of understanding and insight into what makes humanity humane. Thank you again, Jayne.
Posted 10/24/2013 04:26 AM