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Full Moon
Walter de la Mare


One night as Dick lay half asleep,
   Into his drowsy eyes
A great still light begins to creep
   From out the silent skies.
It was lovely moon's, for when
   He raised his dreamy head,
Her surge of silver filled the pane
   And streamed across his bed.
So, for a while, each gazed at each -
   Dick and the solemn moon -
Till, climbing slowly on her way,
   She vanished, and was gone.

This poem is in the public domain.



Walter de la Mare (1873 - 1956) was a British author of diverse talent who wrote everything from horror stories to children's books. Known to family and friends as "Jack," his work tended to focus around the themes of childhood, imagination, and the supernatural. Happily married to a woman ten years his senior, with whom he had four children, Walter spent nearly twenty years working as a bookkeeper before a government pension finally allowed him to fully devote his time to writing. For more information, visit The Walter de la Mare Society website.



Post New Comment:
I like this one very much.
Posted 12/14/2024 04:54 PM
Darrell Arnold:
A very timely poem for this early morning, as I watch a nearly full moon set in the west. I can't keep from writing poems about the moon. It is so worthy of admiration and respect. I didn't know this poem. Thank you, Jayne.
Posted 12/14/2024 08:29 AM
A "lovely, quiet" poem on a Sunday evening feels so good, so right.
Posted 12/14/2014 07:37 PM
This used to be one of my favorites. Thank you for posting it now!
Posted 12/14/2014 04:26 PM
I hadn't known this lovely, quiet poem, and am glad you've introduced me to it, Jayne. Thank you.
Posted 12/14/2014 11:16 AM
Never read this. Great one to memorize and recite to my grand-daughter. Love it.
Posted 12/14/2014 10:06 AM
I love this poem. I memorized it more than fifty years ago.Thank you for bringing it back to me.
Posted 12/14/2014 08:21 AM
One of my long-time favourite poems. Thank you. It has greatly improved a nasty day. Those shoon swept away some very break weather.
Posted 12/14/2014 01:25 AM
Joe Sottile:
Bravo, Walt!
Posted 12/13/2014 11:34 PM

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