If some verses I design,
and I take you out to dine,
or I buy you sparkling wine,
will you be my valentine?
If my heart begins to pine,
and I toast with foamy stein,
or I tell you you're divine,
will you be my valentine?
If I'm floating on cloud nine,
and your beauty I enshrine,
or my feelings I define,
will you be my valentine?
If our hearts with love entwine,
and your suitors I outshine,
or I cease my constant whine,
will you be my valentine?
If a contract I do sign,
and I write more Byzantine,
or I act less asinine,
will you be my valentine?
If I ask you to be mine,
and on romance I opine,
or I reach the bottom line,
will you be my valentine?
© by C. F. Kelly.
Used here with the author's permission
Cornelius Farrell Kelly lives in Pinedale, Wyoming, with his wife of 60+ years, in a house they built with the help of their ten children at an altitude of 7300 feet above sea level. The author of eight chapbooks and two published books, he writes a rhyming couplet every morning and posts it on his Facebook page. Cork is a competitive senior swimmer (he says he frequently gets ideas for a poem while swimming).

Did it work?!
Posted 02/14/2016 03:08 AM
And he lives in Pine-dale! "...or I act less asinine"--how sweetly amusing and honest!
Posted 02/13/2016 01:36 PM
impressive assembly of -ine rhyming words!
Posted 02/13/2016 12:04 PM
Mary Lou Taylor:
Made me grin!
Posted 02/13/2016 11:27 AM
Simply charming.
Posted 02/13/2016 08:47 AM
Heck, I loved your poem. I'll be your valentine!
Posted 02/13/2016 08:44 AM
I REALLY like this poem. Your IF's cover all the bases! Janice
Posted 02/13/2016 08:34 AM
Sarah Russell:
ah, sweet gentle thoughts benign,
and you didn't call her "kine"
which would certainly malign
such a perfect Valentine.
Posted 02/13/2016 08:23 AM
Oh so fine!
Posted 02/13/2016 07:45 AM
Oh, your words do me entwine, yes, I'd be your valentine. Karen
Posted 02/13/2016 07:16 AM
If I promise not to groan, will you write another poem? I LOVED this!
Posted 02/13/2016 02:21 AM