Here with the certainty that sun
climbs the Bear's Paw Mountains every morning
I return to the warmth each summer
Walk the prairie roads
when the sun's hands touch mountain tops
When they open perfume
on purple clover blossoms
Burnish pheasant feathers to a spit shine
And snap the stereo switch
that sets roosters and meadowlarks to music
A Chinook from the west
turns wheat into soft wind chimes
And cottonwood leaves
bend their ears into the whispers
While Cree ten miles east
talk to their God at this time every A.M.
The farmers rise and pray for rain clouds
to cry over dust depressed crops
But I welcome the hands of dawn
How they wander over my unbuttoned body
Strip the gray from daybreak
Stain my skin a kindle wood brown
Inject the fuel to burn for another year
This poem first appeared in The Aurorean.
Used here with the author's permission.
Photo by Alexis Rhone Fancher
Ellaraine Lockie grew up in a Montana farm town and writes at her local Starbucks every morning because it feels like one of the friendly coffee shops where she grew up, a place where everyone knew everyone else who came for coffee and camaraderie. Along with publications in the standard journals, Ellaraine's poems have appeared on broadsides, buses, rented cars, bicycles, cabins, greeting cards, key chains, bookmarks, mugs, coffee sack labels, church bulletins, radio shows and cable TV.
Ellaraine serves as Poetry Editor for the lifestyles magazine, LILIPOH.
Sharon Waller Knutson:
This poem really resonated with me because I grew up in Montana and watched "the sun's hands touch mountain top...open perfume on purple clover blossoms, burnish pheasant feathers to a spit shine and snap the stereo switch that sets roosters and meadowlarks to music."
Posted 07/27/2018 07:42 PM
Lori Levy:
Love the images and sounds.
Posted 07/27/2018 04:11 PM
What lovely personifications!
Posted 07/27/2018 09:23 AM
Larry Schug:
I feel like I'm walking beside you.
Posted 07/27/2018 08:07 AM
Love your exuberant use of language Ellaraine, and the scent of "purple clover blossoms."
Posted 07/27/2018 08:00 AM
How completely lovely
Posted 07/27/2018 05:25 AM