Leaves are dancing in the wind as the branches nod and sway
As though each twig would like to say,
'Welcome, Friend; it's a delightful day.'
And may these trees remain uncut
And may this land stay free and clear;
And may God's creatures roam and feed without the thought of fear.
Yes, it's great to look upon a tree and feel the thrill God has for us to see;
Or to be shaded by its leafy arms
As well as thrilled by its lofty charms.
Here, the supreme Architect of all creation
Raised his hand to morning bright
And renewed my soul with nature's great delight.
© by Russell Ashmore, Sr.
Used with permission of Russell and Richard Ashmore.
Russell Ashmore, Sr. was a road builder and paving contractor, skills he learned from his father. Raised on a farm in upstate South Carolina, Russell loved children, nature, poetry, and the mountains. He and his brother bought a tract of land adjacent to Lake Wattacoo, in northern Greenville County, to encourage family members to spend time enjoying the beautiful surroundings. When a rare flower, the Mountain Sweet Pitcher Plant, was found growing there, the property was turned into the Ashmore Heritage Preserve, a 1,125 acre segment of the Mountain Bridge Wilderness off Scenic Highway 11 near Caesars Head State Park. This poem is inscribed on a bronze plaque placed by his children at one end of the lake.
All I can say to this poem is Amen.
Posted 08/13/2018 01:32 PM
Delightful! I love it. Jancan
Posted 08/01/2018 10:36 PM
Arlene, I'm glad you posted. From one tree hugger to another, it is exactly that--a love letter to creation.
Also how wonderful, Jayne, do have had some conversation with Russell's son. So glad you found both to share with us.
Posted 08/01/2018 07:45 PM
Arlene Gay Levine:
My first time posting...This poem speaks to the soul of a tree "hugger" from way back. Simply put, a love letter to creation. Made my day. Thanks, Jayne.
Posted 08/01/2018 05:14 PM
Heartfelt and meaningful!!!
Posted 08/01/2018 12:16 PM
Love this tribute to the nature's Supreme Architect. Thank you.
Posted 08/01/2018 11:31 AM
Straight from the heart. Beautiful.
Posted 08/01/2018 10:58 AM
Glen Sorestad:
And may the numbers of uncut trees continue to grow. Good find, Jayne.
Posted 08/01/2018 10:57 AM
One can tell just how much this man loved God's superb natural work.
Posted 08/01/2018 09:41 AM
The power of a poem is illustrated here.
Posted 08/01/2018 09:06 AM
Larry Schug:
A very nice memorial poem. Would that we all be remembered this way.
Posted 08/01/2018 08:47 AM
Another great find, Jayne. Your world seems verdant with poetry.
Posted 08/01/2018 08:00 AM
Jean :D:
This is so delightful, so glad you found this.
Posted 08/01/2018 07:15 AM
Absolutely lovely.
Posted 08/01/2018 06:23 AM