She, old, labored in death,
he, new, labored in birth,
great-grandmother and grandson
until they passed one another
in an early morning hour,
each on the way to a new world.
© by Marsha Foss.
Used with the author's permission.
Marsha Foss, a retired educator, spends her time between her two favorite states, Maryland and Minnesota. When in St. Paul, she enjoys being connected to the area's vibrant writing community. Her work has been published in numerous places, and she has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. An added joy is living near two young grandsons who are proud of her winning, finally, at age 70, a prize in a poetry contest.
Marsha. This is the first poem I've read in awhile that brought tears to my eyes. I love it. nanci
Posted 10/05/2019 04:37 PM
This beautiful poem captures the delicate spirit-filled dance between birth and death... both moving towards change and new life!
Posted 10/05/2019 10:45 AM
How LOVELY and bittersweet!
Posted 10/05/2019 09:52 AM
Lori Levy:
Beautifully expressed.
Posted 10/04/2019 11:15 PM
Wilda Morris:
Well-written and poignant. Close to what happened between the death of my father-in-law and my second granddaughter. He did live long enough to be told of her birth and to see pictures.
Posted 10/04/2019 02:49 PM
Brief and beautiful.
Posted 10/04/2019 01:26 PM
A beautiful simplicity.
Posted 10/04/2019 11:55 AM
Good one!!!
Posted 10/04/2019 10:15 AM
Ah, the rewards of hard-earned brevity. Wonderful work. Thank you.
Posted 10/04/2019 08:55 AM
Gilbert Allen:
I admire this poem's tender, elegant simplicity.
Posted 10/04/2019 08:50 AM
michael escoubas:
Love the poignancy of this piece--powerful within its brevity. Thank you Martha.
Posted 10/04/2019 08:37 AM
My cousin and my grandson share this experience on the same day- passing to new worlds. Your words captured my thoughts.
Posted 10/04/2019 07:57 AM
The overall image here is tear-worthy. So thoughtful. Thank you.
Posted 10/04/2019 07:50 AM
You define poetry in this. Beautiful images, economy of words that touch the heart and detonate the soul.
Posted 10/04/2019 06:11 AM