(To be song forlornly and freely to the tune of Amazing Grace)
A pit-i-less wo-o-man is she,
who loved, then abandoned meeee!
When frie-ends ask me why,
I can o-only reply,
I believe she-e wants to be freeee!
A vir-tu-ous wo-o-man is she,
who loved, then rejected meeee!
If tru-uth be-e known,
she has o-o-n-ly to atone
for her-r-r in-fi-i-del-i-tyyyy!
A wretch-e-d wo-o-man is she
who loved, then de-ser-ted meeee!
When I-I asked her why
I knew that she would lie;
it's the way she-e is, you seeee!
A present-able wo-o-man is she
who loved, then ig-no-ored meeee!
For wherever we-e'd go
she was re-e-ady to show
that I had no pedd-i-greeee!
A scho-lar-ly wo-o-man is she
who loved, then be-raat-ed meeee!
For I-I'd made it clear
she resemm-bled Me-de-a
and not A-an-ti-go-neeee!
A com-paaaasion-ate wo-o-man is she,
who loved, then avoided meeee!
When the chi-ips ca-ame down,
I was o-only a clown
with-out au-then-tiiii-ci-tyyyy!
© by Edward Hujsak.
Used with the author's permission.
Edward Hujsak (1925 - 2018) was born in New Hampshire to a Polish farming family. A chemical engineering graduate of the University of New Hampshire, Ed worked on propulsion systems at General Dynamics during development of the Atlas and Centaur rockets. He was propulsion engineer on John Glenn's famous orbital flight and served as chief of preliminary design at General Dynamics Astronautics Division for ten years, accumulating more than a dozen patents in the aerospace field. In addition to his numerous engineering achievements, Ed was a writer, artist, sculptor, and builder of furniture and musical instruments. In his spare time, Ed made more than 2000 wooden birds, dogs, and race cars for the San Diego Fine Woodworkers Association, which distributes toys to sick and needy children.
Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess, within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.
Posted 02/02/2020 10:55 AM
I sang it to "Amazing Grace"! It works!!!
Posted 02/02/2020 08:55 AM
michael escoubas:
One need not be skilled in carrying a tune to appreciate Ed's great and sensitive heart, a heart so apparent in this poem. So glad you posted this, Jayne.
Posted 02/02/2020 08:35 AM
Fun. I enjoyed reading it several times over. Couldn�t do it to Amazing Grace though. My apologies, dear Mr. H., I kept imagining myself with group of drinking companions at midnight drunkily singing it with them. LOL.
Posted 02/02/2020 07:45 AM
Jeri Thompson:
That was a hard read. I actually feel dizzy trying to get the words right. The delight was in the rhyme. Really great rhyming!
Posted 02/02/2020 05:28 AM