I have an amaryllis
in a pot on the sink. They grow
so fast you can watch the buds
expand and burst
into showy color. This one
is bright red streaked
with white, its petals
velvet, soft to the touch.
I wish it were beside you.
Used with the author's permission.

Mary Lou Taylor tried three other majors before settling on English. A teacher off and on for many years, she got serious about writing poetry after she retired. Author of one book and published in several journals and anthologies, she has a second book in the works and has proven retirement to be the myth it so often is by continuing to teach a few writing and poetry classes. Learn more about Mary Lou, who lives in San Jose, California, at www.maryloutaylor.wordpress.com.
Posted 07/27/2011 08:55 PM
Linda Lee (Konichek):
I just heard that my friend since seventh grade had a serious brain-bleed last week, but she is home recovering. I will send this to her with love and healing thoughts. Thanks, Mary Lou and Jayne.
Posted 07/25/2011 06:05 AM
Love Amaryllis plants, they come back every year. I always give them as gifts to friends. Lovely poem.
Posted 07/24/2011 10:39 AM