If I send this poem to you,
you having only moments ago
left my door, will you know
it as an invitation? Will you
think as I do, feel your way
into the possibility of this much
love? I say love, do you hear me?
As though you have always
been worthy, and I , your friend,
calling out the oldest question.
Can you imagine saying yes
at last? I stand beforeĀ
you. Yes on my lips,
inside of me only yes,
my arms full of yes
like ripe tomatoes.
This poem appears inĀ The Wild Weathers: a gathering of love poems (Leaf Press, 2012).
Used with the author's permission.

Judith Heron lives in Victoria on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Though full of prairie blood, she has always lived on the west coast. Since semi-retiring from a family counseling practice, other poets have inspired her to take her writing more seriously. Judith's work has been published in a number of retreat chapbooks edited by Patrick Lane, and in two anthologies: The Murder of Crones (Ptarmigan Press, 2007) and The Wild Weathers: a gathering of love poems (Leaf Press, 2012). She is currently working on her first book-length manuscript.
Posted 02/06/2012 05:58 PM
Suggestive and longing. Unrequited love? Belated informing of love not spoken at the presence of one's lover.
This is what I am reading, I think.
Posted 02/05/2012 10:57 AM
What lovely words to read as the sun sets on a frothy ocean here in Mexico. Nice one, Judith!
Posted 02/02/2012 06:02 PM
Blue Collar Poet Fan:
Judith .... your poem speaks at a deep emotional level to every soul that inhabits this earth. Your description even speaks to a guy like me!
Posted 02/02/2012 04:01 PM
Cynthia Woodman Kerkham:
Hurrah, Judith! Such a wonderful flow to this poem and that blast of red at the end--brilliant!
Posted 02/02/2012 02:22 PM
I love what Judith says in this poem - the " yes" of it - but also love how she crafted it. The beautul use of short line and she's really mastered the line breaks. Great job, Judith! More, please.
Posted 02/02/2012 02:19 PM
Linda Lee (Konichek):
Love the subject and images, just ordered the book; thanks, Judith.
Posted 02/02/2012 02:07 PM
Sharon Urdahl:
Yes! I Love this poem and how you serve up words. More please...
Posted 02/02/2012 01:59 PM
wendy morton:
Yes is like an arm full of ripe tomatoes, I've always thought. Hooray for you, Judith.
Posted 02/02/2012 12:18 PM
L K Thompson:
Oh, yes! I love how this woman opened herself to what she thought and saw and what she imagines can be! Brave poem.
Posted 02/02/2012 12:06 PM
Good poem! Makes me think of Molly Bloom.
Posted 02/02/2012 11:08 AM
Just lovely, Judith.
Posted 02/02/2012 10:24 AM
'like ripe tomatoes' -- wonderful ending to a lovely poem.
Posted 02/02/2012 10:22 AM
Grace Cockburn:
Oh Judith! Wonderful poem! Grace
Posted 02/02/2012 10:20 AM
"I say love, do you hear me"
and yes Judith, I love this poem
Posted 02/02/2012 08:50 AM
very, very nice. my arms full of yes!
Posted 02/02/2012 07:30 AM
Yes! Yes! Great image of ripe tomatoes, Judith!
Posted 02/02/2012 05:35 AM